Friday 30 March 2012

seeeeeeeeal the deal

Here is a finished seal. its made from a wire armature, layered in sculpted plastercine then covered in recycled news paper scraps that i carefully chose. its then painted with PVA to give it a wet look effect.

Wednesday 28 March 2012


Heres a brown bear, one of the first layers to his coat :) all made from brown paper bags.

Thursday 22 March 2012


ultimately :)

For this I took a photo of a table with all my tools and materials I use daily and then drew it in continuos line... 

I then Coloured it in with water colours...

I then took a picture from above me of my hands at work, Then on a separate piece of paper I did the same with continuos line and water colours, adding detail of real nailvarnish to the nails :)

I then sculpted the mini me from hardening clay and painted her in acrylic paint.

"string string string string string"

after 7.000 layers of paint Im finally happy with the finish, to get the 3 dimensional version of my set the same as the 2 dimensional version i used thick black thread to outline each box on the hill.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Set in progress

Here is the paintwork on my set so far, ive done about five layers including dry brushing and sponging it...

Thursday 8 March 2012

Finished mod roc

Ive finally finished mod rocing the whole set, today ive brought acrylic paints in to start painting :)

Thursday 1 March 2012

Greham doll

Here is the begining of my Greham Doll maquette...
Made from plastercine and
A wire armature.