Wednesday 18 January 2012

PROCRASTINATION~~~~~~~~wobble wobble

hoookay.. so its wednesday.

ive had 4 tutorials this week, all of which were soo helpful. however everything is easier said than done and this morning i still hadnt started my build. nothing, not a sausage... i needed to get the ball rolling.... so i made this out of card :)

Friday 13 January 2012

Business deadline daaaaay wakakakaka

soooo I had another deadline today which was for business, went ok i feel... here is my lovely lickle business card i made :)

Tuesday 10 January 2012


I feel as though I could of done alot more work for this project, I think the fact that the deadline was right after christmas didnt help. It was a massive shock when I moved back to cardiff from home and realised I had a week left untill submittal. admittedly I did more work in that week than I did in the past month. I think I can learn from that. However I did the best I could and I was happy with the designs and glad ive come up with my final idea and feel happy about it.